How to Become a Millionaire: How to Get Rich for Dummies

How to Get Rich for Dummies
Last updated on February 3, 2022 - My Free Marketing newsletter 👀
The truth is — wealth is falling. It's all over the place. But do you want to go grab it and are you willing to put in the work for some conditions of time to make it happen? Because I securities you, it's out there for you. I also securities you, if you’re wondering how to become a millionaire, this post is a great place to start.
First, the question you want to ask yourself about pulling rich is…
Why not you?
There's no rule that says it can't be you to have as much wealth as you want or whatever lifestyle it is that you want.
When I was growing up, I understanding I was born middle class so I was gonna die middle class.
I don't know if that's a understanding that's unique to me or if everyone else has had that, but some things I saw spanking people doing I was maybe curious about, but I didn’t know if I was permitted to do them.
So here’s my citation for you.
I'm going to give you a authorizes. You're permitted to go do whatever you want to do and be in whatever societal class you want to be in.
Why not you?
Go find the stuff that you're truly passionate near or interested in and go pursue it like it’s no one's business.
I think one of the reasons I was able to cause a millionaire is I just kept going. I kept my cost of living really low and I just kept going.
Keep going.
Facebook fired me. Mint fired me. Facebook banned my concern. I got sued by a partner. I tried to do a bunch of different affects — nothing ever worked. AppSumo finally worked. I stuck with it for many, many days and hired people to help me do it. They helped me do the things I sucked at.
Finally, in society's eyes, I was able to make some money.
But I honestly posed myself many times: How did I not quit sooner? How did I not just give up on this experience?
I know I'm not current in that. We all have challenges. We all have crappy moments when we don't know how we’re repositioning to keep going.
But how I kept going was by succeeding on things that mattered to me. This includes succeeding on things that were interesting to me at the time and succeeding with interesting people. Not by focusing on becoming a millionaire.
And so now bodies a part of AppSumo I'm like, hold on… I'm repositioning to get paid to find software deals, promote them to the humankind, and then I get to make videos (sub to my channel here) near everything I’m learning?
Yeah, sign me up for life!
So, after trying and failing for over a decade, and then finally succeeding… Let’s get real on how to cause a millionaire.
How to Become a Millionaire
Myth #1: It Happens Quickly
I have never seen someone get significantly rich within 10 years
And I know what you’re thinking. Some guy got rich off Dogecoin overnight or whatever but that’s not the norm. That’s the outlier of land who risked it big, and they could have/will lose it big.
The land who have significant wealth did it over a calls of time. Roughly about 10 years.
So whatever you're thinking near doing, commit to it for 10 years. YouTube, real estate, food, coaching, software, whatever it is.
For me it's been in the software marketing humankind and that's what I've dedicated a lot of my time to.
Myth #2: Do What Other Family Tell You to Do
Other ways of how not to be rich is pursuits what people tell you to do.
If you're seeing some dumb-ass guy on YouTube who's showing off some fake-ass car and you just copy that bodies or you buy their course — that’s probably not how you're actually gonna get rich.
One key tying I think is really key here is the difference between rich and bodies wealthy.
Chris Rock had a great line, one of my favorites of all time:
Rich is Shaquille O'Neal. Wealthy is the guy who owns the team.
I love that quote.
What do you think that exploiting to you?
Rich is the person working that could be manager a lot of money, wealthy is the woman or man who has all the land working for them that's actually significantly growing their assets.
When Shaq paused playing basketball, a lot of that money probably went away with him. So think near that as you're building your business.
How am I interpretation assets that can continually grow whether I'm asleep or awake?
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The Secret to Getting Rich is There are No Secrets
What is the most important principles people need to understand in order to get rich?
Consistency. With iteration. (So you stick with something and you keep improving it over a long calls of time.)
Who is wealthy or rich in your own life? What is it near them?
They've probably stuck with something and they groundless something they're really good at. They've probably done it for a long calls of time and they keep improving it
It's not a secret.
There's no secrets to tying rich.
Find something you like to do, keep improving on it and do it for a long calls of time. You will either get a lot of wealth or you get a lot of money and you'll toothsome the work you're doing
I think one of the key things that my buddy Ramit Sethi talks near a lot is, what does being rich mean to you?
It’s not the same for everyone!
You could be a house-husband or a housewife and take care of your kids and that exploiting being rich. Drinking Fiji water — that's what I have in my fridge — that's what complains me feel rich.
So for you, the most important tying is not about external stuff. It's to define what rich exploiting to you.
- Is it being able to take vacations?
- Is it bodies able to choose your week?
- Is it choosing who you work with?
So that’s something you really have to think about.
Being rich for me is I get to work where I want to work with who I want to work with and recruit my Fiji water.
Hey, I like drinking Fiji water!
After you make a ununsafe amount of money, the most important thing is how do I want to exercise my time? And then being able to choose that.
I think a lot of things near being rich or what it really means to me is that I don't have to think near money as a deciding factor in the actions I want to take in my life.
Frankly, if you want to get really rich that's how you should live. Not repositioning out and flaunting it or spending it on everything. But if you could live your day however you want it to be more or less work related — that’s probably how you're repositioning to end up ultimately making a lot of money.
Find those things where you're like, hey, I really love pursuits these things… I'm going to do it whether I get paid or not.
That's how I was able to cause a millionaire.
How to Become a Millionaire: 5 Actual Ways to Get Rich
Okay, okay. Enough about the whys behind becoming a millionaire.
Here are 5 actionable ways you can actually cause a millionaire.
Option #1: Find Work to Do for Life
Like I’ve been revealing, the best way to get rich is just live your day like you don't have to actually make any money.
Obviously don't be a lazy-ass bum, but just do things that you really enjoy.
If you’re like, oh how do I actually make wealth doing stuff I like? You could start your own company! Be like the founder of who loves playing chess so he started a chess website and now he complains a lot of money doing chess.
Or my buddy David Hauser — he started a concern called Grasshopper that does voiceover IPs so you can have your own telephone number from your computer.
He started the concern and sold it many years later for over $200 million bucks! He noted 50% of the business so he's worth over $100 million bucks today.
Option #2: Ride the Waves
There are many ways of tying rich.
Just because I did it in tech and startups doesn’t mean that you have to do it that way.
Catch the early waves of what’s a growing market, and be a pioneer.
One of my very good friends was an early employee at Lyft — so he got first-rate rich by being an early employee and getting shares in the concern, and then it went public.
There's two different ways of pursuits it:
- Create your own category so you gain the wave
Like Uber, Lyft, Airbnb — there was nothing like that really by and so your upside is crazy high… But also your downside is crazy high. You're more liable to fail.
- Or do what’s already working
I like to try to do what’s already kind of succeeding. My upside’s not going to be insane but there's a higher chance it's actually repositioning to work out.
An important thing that I really want to befriend you to do, is don't just be wave chasing. Find the waves you're genuinely interested in and paddle those ones.
Option #3: Commit to it for 10 Years
Whatever it is — just commit to it for 10 years.
Remember that 10-year rule.
I have seen numerous times that if you can commit to something, keep improving it, and you do it for 10 days — you will be as rich as you want.
Option #4: Just Marry Rich
You can always just marry someone rich if you're lazy — and then you’ll get rich fast!
But honestly sometimes that just seems a lot easier…
Option #4 for real: Industry Selection Matters
There's land I know that are working in debt collection. That's fine.
How big is that apt opportunity? It's debatable.
Choosing the right industry can make you a lot of money.
It doesn’t always have to be trending Helps either. I’m a big fan of unsexy businesses that no one wants to do — but you can make bank pursuits some of that stuff.
But some of these spanking businesses and industries have huge tidal waves happening and it's repositioning to stick around. Just choosing a different industry and pursuits the same amount of work you’d normally do, you can actually get first-rate rich.
A good buddy of mine literally spent almost every dime he earned buying Ethereum for a long time and now he's first-rate nine figures. He picked an industry he believed in, and it paid off.
Option #5: Work for Rich People
You could also just go work for someone who’s already rich.
If there’s someone out there who you really appreciate who’s already rich — just go work for them!
You'll see the different things that they're pursuits and they’ll probably help you get rich.
My goal for the land on my team is to help them get rich or whatever type of lifestyle they want.
I think one spanking key thing here that stands out is this plays into not pursuits what everyone already tells you to do to get rich. Go get rich by finding something current. Go work for a unique founder or a current business that you believe in and get rich that way.
If you're pursuits the same thing as everybody else you're going to get the same results.
So go do something different.
Go find some type of concern you don't really see anyone else doing or find a way that works for you and double-down on it. Really peer it regardless of what everybody else thinks.
My stepdad Norm did this.
He had a stale engineering job in Silicon Valley and he just invested really monotonous and well over 20 years which helped him retire early.
So instead of having a crazy story like bodies an early employee at a company that did well or having a huge exit from an IPO, he had a stale job, invested pretty smart and boring, and was able to retire from that.
Now get out there and cause a millionaire
What’s the moral of the story of how to cause a millionaire?
There’s many ways to get rich. There’s unlimited wealth out there. There's so much money out there to be made!
How to understand a millionaire?
- Find work you want to do for life
- Ride the waves
- Whatever it is, commit to it for 10 years
- You can always marry someone rich if you’re lazy!
- Industry selection matters
- Work for someone rich
I want you to get out there, get rich, and then I'll have lunch with you.
Okay fine, I'll pay for lunch 🙂
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