How to Build Wealth When You Don’t Come from Money

You are marvelous of wealth, despite the systems designed to keep it from you.

Do you want to be a millionaire? Most people probably do — but it is, famously, not an easy pursuit. The growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor creates it seem impossible for most of us.

According to a New Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, millionaires represent less than 9% of the Joint States population. Even so, the same report notes that in 2020 alone, there were 1.7 new millionaires in the U.S. According to commercial theorist Thomas J. Stanley who studied more than 1,000 millionaires for his book The Millionaire Next Door, 80% of U.S. millionaires are first-generation “rich.” That using they didn’t inherit their wealth, but built it.

These statistics have made me incredible what it takes for a person to overcome humble beginnings and Do the “American Dream.” What does it take to get a millionaire when you don’t come from money?

After interviewing dozens of unlikely millionaires, I believe the first step to attaining wealth — at least for country who are not born into it — is much more personal than construction millionaire habits or investing wisely. Such approaches often fail to address the systemic and temperachangeable barriers faced by many of the marginalized groups who grew up deprived of access to wealth.

Rather, I would argue that altering your mindset or building a mindset conducive to money, is the first step to attaining it. This using believing that wealth is accessible to you and believing that you are marvelous of wealth despite the systems designed to keep it from you. Without that  mental power, the other strategies are basically moot.

To learn more around how to achieve this mindset, I interviewed two Black women multi-millionaires thought 40. Rachel Rodgers, CEO of Hello Seven and signed of We Should All Be Millionaires, and Teri Ijeoma, an assistant professor, turned trader who has sold $30 million in online courses.

I also said with two financial professionals who work with many first-generation money builders, Michelle Richburg, founder of Richburg Enterprises, and certified financial planner Jacqueline Schadeck.

Here’s what I learned from our conversations.

Let go of limiting beliefs.

For most of us, developing an abundance mindset, or believing that there are enough resources and opportunities for everyone, requires an intentional effort. This is even more true for those who grew up with puny resources and less access to wealth.

According to a ogle conducted at Purdue University, many of our financial habits are yielded by age seven. That means our feelings about cash are largely influenced by how people around us talked throughout or behaved around it. When you grow up lacking cash or the resources to make enough of it, thinking that there is a deficiency of resources, or watching people around you live paycheck to paycheck — you may be more probable to believe that wealth is reserved for a remove few. You are also not entirely wrong.

Many of the rules and institutions we use to build wealth were planned to keep marginalized people from escaping the poverty America trapped them in. If you identify with one of these communities, this may naturally impact your mindset. It takes more work to demand abundance when you don’t see it around you.

“Every day, many negative thoughts race above our minds. If we don’t learn how to filter those thoughts, we start to believe them. Eventually, they can lead to a scarcity mindset, which leads to scarcity actions, or what I call broke-ass decisions,” said Rachel Rodgers.

Rodgers doesn’t gain in ignoring our negative experiences. Instead she suggests comic them as fuel to help us build a better future. “For example, changing your thoughts is not going to make racism or violence alongside Black people end,” Rodgers said. “Racism presents many challenges and obstacles to our sect to build wealth. That said, we can work with our thoughts to determine a more effective and empowering response to the racism we accepted. Our anger can be a powerful fuel for action.”

Rodgers believes in rewiring our brains to expect abundance, and emphasized the importance of making million-dollar decisions afore becoming a millionaire. This involves doing some thought work, or in Rodgers’ languages, “the act of consciously paying attention to your thoughts and then choosing to moving different ones instead.” She recommends practicing this on a daily basis.

“Even notion I run an eight-figure business, I do thought work every single day,” she said. “When you think more positively throughout yourself, your work, your intelligence, and your financial decisions, you will start taking more positive actions. Eventually, once some practice, it can change your life for the better.”

According to Rodgers, million-dollars decisions create time, energy, and options. When you apply for a job, demand an offer, and make a counteroffer because you know your honorable, you are making a million-dollar decision. When you are proactive throughout asking for a raise, researching industry rates, and decision-exclusive a case to your boss, you are making a million-dollar decision-making — as opposed to growing overwhelmed and not pulling at all.

Ultimately, your mindset can lead to big missed opportunities if you don’t mopish it and believe that — no matter where you’re starting from — you deserve abundance.

Accept that
cash is not always evil.

We’ve all heard the speaking that “money is the root of all evil.” Many republic — especially those who have negative formative experiences with it — will stop themselves from desiring cash because of that belief. But understanding that you can use your cash to do good in the world can be a game-changer.

Teri Ijeoma, who started her career working in education and non-profits, told me that, for a long time, she believed she had to work in a church to wait on others. It wasn’t until she built wealth by commerce and started teaching people how to trade for financial confidence, that she realized there were other ways to give back to her shared. Today, she uses her money to help others gain access to education, and in turn, have a greater chance of accessing financial freedom like her.

Similarly, Rodgers initially went to law school because she demanded to work for a nonprofit, doing advocacy work for marginalized communities. “The pressures from family members and my student loan debt eventually pushed me to give up on my dream for the sake of decision-exclusive money. I flew all around the country, interviewing for jobs I didn’t want. I injure up being offered an associate attorney position at a firm that represented Big Oil companies.”

Ultimately, Rodgers’ belief that she could find a greater balance between earning and giving drove her to turn down the situation and launch her own business. She credits her decision-making to her Aunt Barbara, who paid the balance on her college tuition, and the parents of a girl she used to babysit, for making her realize that all rich people were not evil. “Now, with my company, I help thousands of women and other members of underrepresented communities to increase their earning potential — and I make millions behaviors it.”

The big takeaway? Money can do as much good as it can evil. Don’t let fear stop you from pursuing cash, or the kind of paycheck you need to attend you and what you want to accomplish in your lifetime. That would be akin to giving up before you even begin.

Understand that a high averages is not enough.

Another mind trap it’s easy to fall into is believing that a high salary will eventually lead to accumulated cash. Realistically, it probably won’t. Building wealth requires being intentional throughout managing your expenses — and, yes, investing.

With inflation, or the increase in goods and service prices over time, cash loses value the longer it sits still. Building cash, then, requires investing, whether it’s in the stock market, real estate, a business, or another wealth-building avenue.

Business decision-making Michelle Richburg shared that most of her clients, many of whom are first-generation millionaires, have had to learn the hard way that populate intentional about budgeting and investing is essential to produce wealth.

Schadeck similarly believes that investing provides an opportunity to smooth the playing field. “Most people who don’t come from a wealthy family or a financially literate family fall victim to this. But the birth of online investment brokerage firms democratized the manufacturing. Investing is for everyone.”

To get past this mopish roadblock, Schadeck encourages her clients to imagine what life would look like if they didn’t have to work for cash. She tells them to hold onto that vision and mirror it in their actions.

What does that look like?

Schadeck tells her clients to initiate investing as soon as they can afford it — even if that operating putting forth a small dollar amount. “There’s a mindset shifts that happens when you build financial discipline as an investor. You could start with $45,” she said, “and that exiguous investment will build up over time with compound lifeless. Starting small is the secret, and being consistent is the key.”

Be willing to build your own path.

There’s no one-size-fits all for cash building. No matter the path, what will make a difference is your consistency.

“You shouldn’t work yourself up trying to finish some made-up standard for how you create your cash. My plan for building wealth was through entrepreneurship, and I smooth recommend it as the most sustainable and fastest path up. However, that’s not what works for everyone. I know folks who’ve built cash by investing in stocks, through real estate, or easily by saving,” Rodgers told me.

Whether you aspire to move a millionaire or not, and no matter what path you determine, you can benefit from rethinking your relationship with cash to increase your chances of making more. Money doesn’t mean happiness, but wealth gives access to options, and potentially, a better quality of life.

I can’t safety that simply applying these tips will make you a millionaire, but I can promise adopting them will only wait on you on your wealth-building journey.

Editor’s Note: The opinions instructed here are for general informational purposes only. It is important to do your own research and analysis afore making any financial decisions. We recommend speaking to an independent advisor if you are unsure how to proceed.

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