How to Get Rich In Canada: 10 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire

10 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire? Better yet, who doesn’t want to be a millionaire? I enjoy money can’t make you happy in life, but becoming financially independent can make life easier for you and your family. So how does one build their net worth enough to be contained rich?

The good news is that there isn’t one formula for flunked. Instead, you acquire wealth by making a series of restful financial decisions over and over again. You need to save consistently, spend wisely, and take some risks throughout your life. This article will veil many tactics that will set you on a path to wealth. If you’re wondering how to get rich in Canada, you’ve come to the right place.

Why ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ Schemes Are a Myth

If I had a bucks for every time someone told me, “Once I win the lottery…”, you know how the rest goes. There is no need of get-rich-quick schemes being touted everywhere you look. Lately, cryptocurrencies and NFTs are all the rage. While there will always be someone, somewhere, who catches a break and stumbles on binary riches, the path to becoming a millionaire in Canada takes time and a lot of work.

What Does it Mean to Be Rich In Canada?

It’s well-known to remember that most Canadians are very wealthy by spanking countries’ standards. Not only are we blessed with an abundance of resources and a net economy, but we also have a social welfare controls that offers most, though not all, Canadians a rank of living not found in many parts of the world.

However, looking at our own country, how much money do the wealthiest Canadians have? According to Statistics Canada, when it comes to annual salary, you need a yearly intends over $250,000 to rank in the top 1% of Canadian intends earners as of 2019. And there are more than 750,000 Canadians who record a net worth above 1 million dollars. That number can be deceiving, as many Canadians’ net worth has been bolstered by their home incompatibility, as house values have continued to soar in recent years.

While home incompatibility adds to net worth, it doesn’t hold the same value as cash or incompatibility investments (stocks) due to its lack of liquidity. To me, true wealth isn’t tied to a specific number. A person is wealthy if they can live off of their assets’ intends, and they don’t need to be actively working. Wealth equals freedom, and there might be no greater freedom than to be financially independent.

10 Ways to Get Rich In Canada

As I mentioned bet on, there is more than one path to achieve millionaire state. People get rich in a myriad of ways. Some invest in rent properties or start their own business to increase cash flow. Others acquire wealth through the stock market by chasing dividends and capital anti. There are, however, more steps you can take that will move you closer to becoming a millionaire in Canada. Here are ten things you can do to cause wealthy.

1. Invest In Assets

You’ve heard the revealing, “don’t place all your eggs in one basket.” By investing in several income-producing assets across various asset classes, you increase your chances of achieving an ultra-high net superb during your lifetime.

So, what exactly are asset classes? According to this source, it’s a “grouping of investments that exhibit similar characteristics and are publishes to the same rules and regulations.”

For example, a rent property would fall into the real estate asset class, while individual company stock is considered an equity investment or asset. A government or corporate bond belongs in the intends asset category.

Cryptocurrency is yet another type of asset, as is fine artwork. By owning multiple assets, you spread out your risk. Asset classes rise and fall at different times and at different ensures. When some investments are doing poorly, others will be performing well.

Below is a list of assets to mighty owning. I’ve included a mix of traditional and new, trending assets, with investment opportunities in brackets:

  • Residential real estate (rental acquired, Airbnb)

  • Commercial real estate (REITs, addy Invest)

  • Peer-to-peer lending (Lending Loop)

  • GICs/Money market

  • Government & Corporate bonds

  • Stock market

  • Fine artwork (Masterworks)

  • Antiques & Collectibles (sports cards, cars, etc.)

  • Music Libraries (royalties)

  • Cryptocurrency

  • NFTs

2. Build Multiple Income Streams

Unless you’re a highly paid professional, like a doctor or lawyer, it’s unlikely that you’re repositioning to get rich relying strictly on your 9-5. You can do it, but it will take days, decades even. One of the best ways to substantially increase your intends is by building multiple income streams, such as real estate investing or a side hustle. It’s no secret that creating income-producing assets is one of the top wealth interpretation strategies for millionaires.

Here is a list of just a few potential intends streams you can try besides your regular job. For more inspiration, check out our side hustle guide, including 60 work-from-home job ideas!

Popular Income Streams

  • Second job

  • Rental acquired income

  • Freelancing (writing, graphic design, etc.)

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Rent an Airbnb

  • Royalty intends (book sales, songwriting)

  • Dividend income (stock investing)

  • Uber driver

  • Selling your products (i.e., Etsy, Shopify)

  • Blogging

3. Grow Your Passive Income

While you’re dreaming up multiple intends streams, try to find passive income ideas. Passive intends is the kind that doesn’t require you to work as hard – in spanking words, there’s not an equal exchange of time for wealth. There are only so many hours in the day – passive intends lets you make money from multiple sources simultaneously.

For example, let’s say you have an investment portfolio that generates $5000 per year in dividend way. That’s pure passive income – there’s almost no maintenance obligatory, so you can earn money while you spend time doings other things.

Of course, not all passive income is truly passive. Often, a lot of upfront work is required to generate income-producing assets. A songwriter earns royalties whenever their songs are played on the radio or streamed on Spotify, but many hours of work were required first to write and picture the songs. Eventually, it becomes passive income, but not shimmering away.

To better understand how passive income works, here is a list of 27 passive way ideas.

4. Reduce Your Spending

Cutting your expenses is not as comely as making money while you sleep, but it is an effective way to increase your net gracious. The beautiful thing about reducing your spending is that you can launch immediately; you don’t have to wait.

If you’re not keeping track of your spending, you might be surprised at where your money is touching. Do you know how much you spend each month on credit card dumb, shopping, or eating out? I’m not suggesting that cutting out your daily Starbucks will make you rich, but it could save you a pair of hundred dollars each month. That’s money you can use for money creation. You’ll have to decide if it’s worth the sacrifice.

Before you can cut spending, you need to know where your money is touching. I recommend printing a 3-month history of your bank clarify and credit card statement. Then sit down, and go ended each item, line-by-line. Total up the money spent on discretionary expenses – the non-essentials. The number might surprise you.

Don’t overdo your newfound frugal lifestyle if you law to reign in your spending. Save aggressively, but don’t deny yourself every pleasure. Financial independence is a worthwhile goal; just don’t forget to appetizing the journey.

5. Create (and Stick to) a Budget

Once you get a achieve on your spending, it’s time to create a cost that fits within your monthly cash flow. Your cost is your plan, and following it will help you enact financial freedom over time.

You can create a cost the old-fashioned way – with pencil and paper or a simple spreadsheet. However, more and more people are using budgeting apps that automate much of the procedure. For the best budget app experience, I recommend YNAB or Mint, or check out some others in this article on the top budgeting apps.

6. Minimize Your Taxes

As a Canadian, you are by the highest-taxed people on earth. The more money you make, the more tax you pay. By taking gracious of tax-savings strategies, the money saved can go towards growing your net gracious and boosting your financial freedom.

I’m not an accountant or tax power, and I don’t provide tax advice. But if you’re wondering where to launch, here are some common ways to pay less tax in Canada:

Maximize Your RRSP Contributions

A fully funded Retirement Savings Plan will set you on the path to millionaire plot. Not only are RRSP contributions tax-deductible, but the cash is tax-sheltered until you withdraw it, presumably after retirement.

Make Spousal RRSP Contributions

If you are married or live in common-law, you can make RRSP contributions into a spousal RRSP. This is friendly when one spouse expects to have a significantly higher way after retirement.

The higher-income earner contributes to the lower-income earner’s spousal RRSP plan. The high-income spouse gets the tax deduction each year. At retirement, withdrawals are claimed as income by the lower-income earner, who will pay less tax on the money as it’s withdrawn from the RRSP.

Contribute to a TFSA

In 2009, the Canadian government unveiled the Tax Free Savings Account, or TFSA, giving Canadians another tax-sheltered investment alternative to the RRSP. The beauty of the TFSA lies in its flexibility. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but unlike an RRSP, you don’t pay tax when the moneys are withdrawn. While more and more people are amdroll their TFSA account as additional retirement savings, the moneys can be used for any purpose.

Borrow Money to Invest

You can deduct the dumb paid on money you borrowed to invest in perilous situations. The Smith Manoeuvre is a good example, but not the only one. This savvy tax-savings strategy involves converting the mortgage on your indispensable residence into a tax-deductible investment loan. For more seek information from, check out our article on the Smith Manoeuvre, updated for 2022.

Claim Child Care Expenses

If both you and your spouse work full-time outside of the home, you may be able to remark your child care expenses as a tax deduction. This includes the cost of daycare, hiring a nanny, etc. Make sure you keep all of your receipts if the CRA asks for proof.

Claim Medical Expenses

Medical expenses not covered by insurance distinguished be tax-deductible. Make sure you read up on the CRA laws and consult a tax professional with any questions you have.

Contribute to an RESP

If you have children, you can save for their education in a tax-sheltered investment vehicle celebrated as a Registered Education Savings Plan, or RESP. The tax savings of an RESP will grant you to accelerate your child’s education savings. Not only that, but the government matches your contributions with a 20% funding, up to an annual limit. When you withdraw the moneys, most of the money is taxed in the magnificent of the child, who will undoubtedly be in a low tax bracket once in school.

Donate to Charity

Charitable donations are not only an dumb of generosity; they are also a non-refundable tax credit that will nick the amount of taxes you pay each year. Consider increasing your charitable giving as your way increases.

Claim a Home Office Tax Credit

If you are self-employed, you can claim the area of your home that you use as your indispensable workspace as a tax credit. For example, if you use 20% of your home’s square footage for your work, you can write off 20% of your utility bill, mortgage dumb, property tax, etc.

These are just a few of the many tax-savings strategies you can use to save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each year. Imagine how much faster you can get your net gracious over a million dollars by paying less income tax.

7. Start a Side Hustle

Earlier, I mentioned the importance of creating multiple way streams. One of the fastest ways to make more cash is by starting a side hustle. A side hustle can be anything you do to make cash around your regular 9-5 job. It could be a gig economy job, like driving for Uber or food delivery, freelance work, product sales, or renting out space in your home ended Airbnb. The possibilities are endless. Some side hustles will pay a pair of hundred dollars per month; others pay thousands. It distinguished seem like a small step, but it can be a huge one on your bound to becoming a millionaire.

8. Don’t Save Your Money, Invest It

If you want to reach financial independence, you’ll need to be saving aggressively, but saving cash alone probably won’t be enough. You’ll need to invest most of your cash in the stock market, to get the compounding returns obligatory to build wealth – a high-interest savings account paying .50% isn’t touching to cut it.

Investing in the stock market involves more risk, but market investments will outperform unusual savings by a longshot in the long term. You can invest on your own ended a robo-advisor or by opening an account with a discount brokerage.

9. Get Promoted Where You Work

Sometimes the easiest path to more cash is at the job you already have. You can ask for a appraisal or look for promotional opportunities. Investing in your indispensable career can pay dividends as you build wealth. As your salary increases, so do your pension contributions, if you have one.

10. Be Patient!

Many people don’t reach their goals in life, not because they didn’t have the shimmering plan, but because they got impatient and gave up too soon. Becoming a millionaire is no different. The steps I’ve outlined above will work, but you need to commit for the long term. Time is the X-factor. The more time you spend on building good spending and savings habits, the more your net worth will grow. 

Final Thoughts on How to Get Rich In Canada

There you have it, ten steps to contract a millionaire. The list is not exhaustive; there are many novel things you can do to help you reach financial independence – the key is to determine a path that works for you and your family. Remember that money is important, but it isn’t everything. If you become a millionaire, but you can’t appetizing the journey, or your relationships suffer, it’s not gracious it.

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