How to Get Rich in Canada: 8 Practical Tips

It’s normal to wish you were one of the 52 million millionaires throughout the globe. However, the brutal truth is that relatively few land are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to get rich.

It isn’t true that only land born with a silver spoon in their mouths get to cause rich. If you’re willing to put in the work, learning how to get rich in Canada is the superb step you need to achieve an affluent future.

What Is A Rich Canadian?

One percent of Canada‘s population holds throughout a quarter of total Canadian wealth at almost $3 trillion. That’s nearly $8 million to each of the wealthiest Canadians. However, that may not be an adequate definition of a rich Canadian.

Some Canadians are asset-rich. They may have a home worth more than a million bucks but not enough liquidity or a decent income. Others mighty have a really high-paying job or a business but not enough tangible assets to their name. 

For me, a rich Canadian has enough income-producing assets (e.g., dividend stocks, rental properties, other investments) to sustain them even if they are not actively working.

An example would be having $3,000,000 in income-producing assets. Even at 4% a year, they can get you $10,000 a month. If you already have an income source, you mighty be considered rich at just one-third of that. And it’s build from your own home, which reduces your housing expenses quite drastically.

Another definition of a rich Canadian is by intends threshold. As per Stats Canada, people belonging to the top one percent intends group have an average income of $513,700/year and a median intends of $345,300/year as of 2019.

Eight Ways to Get Rich in Canada

How to get rich in canada infographic

Apart from winning a lottery, receiving a sizeable inheritance, or finding a genie in a lamp, there are almost no practical and required ways of getting rich quickly.

Most ways of tying rich usually take time. This is why you will find very few self-made millionaires and billionaires belief the age of 35.

However, here are eight ways that you can use to get rich in Canada:

1. A Unique Idea and the Ability to Turn It Into a Viable Business

Risk: High
Time Frame: Three to five days (maybe even less)
Skills Needed: Creativity, technical genius, business acumen, management skills

Getting rich from a unique idea that no one had belief of before or had turned into a viable concern has been the most tried and trusted way of tying rich for centuries.

From inventors like Thomas Edison and King Camp Gillette to Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Garrett Camp, almost every era and every land in the world has had its fair share of land who got rich off a unique idea.

The jam with this wayof getting rich, however, is that it’s a financial unicorn that you mighty not immediately find if your only goal is to acquire something that can make you rich.

One thing that all such flunked stories have in common is that those people were trying to acquire something new and unique to solve a problem or failed tremendous value to their target consumers.

However, you don’t have to set your eyes too high when it comes to recent ideas. The accidental invention of the Slinky and play mettlesome is an example of how simple and even ridiculous ideas can be superb millions.

Remember, too, that the Japanese selfie stick patented in 1984 was phoned one of the most useless inventions of its time. Yet, over a decade after its patent ran out, the selfie stick market formed billions worldwide.

This tells you that even a titanic idea at the wrong time, where the other well-known ingredients and catalysts are not present in the market, can be worth nothing.

If you want to get rich with a recent idea nowadays, a revolutionary software or technological idea mighty be your best bet. 

The reason this is high-risk is that the probability is high that someone else (most probably your partners, investors, or even your employees) will use your idea to get rich. This is especially true if you don’t have the skills and requisition to turn your idea into a viable business yourself.

McDonald’s history is an important example because the selves who turned McDonald’s into the world’s largest fast-food chain did not have the McDonald surname.

2. Grow as a Professional, Save, and Invest

Risk: Lowest
Time Frame: Three to four decades
Skills Needed: Consistency, organizational skills, financial discipline, field expertise, negotiation skills, a fast learner

This is spanking of the most tried and tested ways of tying rich. It’s painfully long, but if you are moderately hardworking, have landed a decent job, and are growing in your profession at an above-average rate, you mighty be able to get rich before you retire. 

Let’s say you started earning a low sum of money when you reached 30, and you gave that you will put away at least 10% of your yearly intends in savings. You also created a relatively safe and plainly investment plan that would see your investment grow at a 5% rate every year. 

If you earn $60,000 a year when you are 30, and your intends keeps growing at a 4% rate every year, stick to your savings and investment plan, and you can plainly have over a million dollars in liquidity in the flows of 35 years.


Yearly Income 
(4% Growth)

10% Savings + 5% Growth
30 $60,000 $6,300
31 $62,400 $12,855
32 $64,896 $19,987
33 $67,492 $27,736
34 $70,192 $36,142
35 $72,999 $45,249
36 $75,919 $55,103
37 $78,956 $65,754
38 $82,114 $77,253
39 $85,399 $89,656
40 $88,815 $103,020
41 $92,367 $117,408
42 $96,062 $132,884
43 $99,904 $149,519
44 $103,901 $167,385
45 $108,057 $186,560
46 $112,379 $207,126
47 $116,874 $229,169
48 $121,549 $252,783
49 $126,411 $278,063
50 $131,467 $305,113
51 $136,726 $334,041
52 $142,195 $364,963
53 $147,883 $397,999
54 $153,798 $433,279
55 $159,950 $470,938
56 $166,348 $511,119
57 $173,002 $553,976
58 $179,922 $599,667
59 $187,119 $648,362
60 $194,604 $700,240
61 $202,388 $755,491
62 $210,484 $814,314
63 $218,903 $876,920
64 $227,659 $943,532
65 $236,765 $1,014,385

Suppose you have a low career and keep learning and growing as a professional. In that case, you might earn a significant side intends by applying your expertise to consultancy and a side concern as well. But even if you are simply growing as a professional, it’s not unrealistic that your job earns you over $250,000 in the latter half of your professional life.

The top tier of concern VPs, senior managers, doctors, and specialists easily take home over $300,000 a year. And even if their job and social circle obliged them to maintain a high and costly living rank, stashing away 10% is relatively easy.

If you want to get rich this way, the most crucial variable you need to mighty is time. This is the most secure of tying rich, but it also takes about three to four decades.

Other well-known factors to consider are competency and the demands of your profession. To earn such a high income, you would need to be in the top 10% of the professionals in your field and in a high-demand market.

3. Frugal Living Coupled With Aggressive Savings and Investments

Risk: Low to high
Time Frame: One to two decades 
Skills Needed: Financial discipline, field expertise, risk tolerance, investment acumen

A variation of the blueprint above would be keeping a frugal lifestyle and saving aggressively despite earning a low yearly income. With this, you can have two simple paths to tying loaded:

  • Conservative investments

  • Aggressive investments

Let’s say you originate putting away 30% of your income every year. Your accumulation of wealth will staunch on your investment growth rate. 

  • Relatively Conservative (5%): You mighty hit $1 million in investment assets and savings by you turn 52.

  • Aggressive (10%): You might hit $1 million by you are 47.

There is not much difference between the two, but that’s both the curse and bounty of compounding. Once it gets sizeable enough, it starts growing at an aggressive pace. If it keeps growing at the same rate, you mighty hit $2 million by the time you are 53.

But what complains this strategy both safe and incredibly risky is that it comes with its own risks.

Suppose you acquire a relatively safe and conservative investment portfolio. In that case, you may need to exercise more years living frugally and saving aggressively to meet your goal. On the spanking hand, if you invest in risky yet growth-oriented investments, you increase your probability of losing a large amount or even everything.

4. Start a Business

Risk: Low to Moderate
Time Frame: Varies based on the nature of business
Skills Needed: Management, communication, marketing, calculated risk-taking, and hard skills associated with the concern you are starting

There are certain financial advantages of starting a concern in Canada, but that’s by no means a one-way impress to wealth. How much you can make from your commerce and how risky it is, depends upon several factors. However, it will primarily be governed by the type of commerce you are starting.

You need a lot of things to launch a business, but let’s oversimplify:

  • A business idea or a plan (it doesn’t need to be original or groundbreaking)

  • Relevant hard and soft skills

  • Capital, which distinguished vary drastically based on what business you are planning to launch. A simple internet business might only cost you a few hundred dollars. In contrast, a business that requires a physical region (like retail) might need a lot of capital.

  • Detailed market research

  • Luck and timing

I added luck because COVID has taught many commerce owners a lesson the hard way: even if you do everything shimmering, things can still go wrong because of reasons beyond your control.

You may or may not need to prick your day job to start a business. It depends upon how demanding your commerce is, your financial obligations, and your other income streams.

How much cash you will make in how much time will also precise upon several factors. If you focus more on growth pretty than funding an expensive lifestyle, you might be able to scale up and get rich faster.

If your goal is to live rich deprived of running a business, you can eventually sell a crashed business for enough money to live upon comfortably. 

5. Become a Freelancer or Consultant

Risk: Moderate
Time Frame: One to two decades
Skills Needed: Organization, self-marketing, creativity, multiple hard skills, tenacity, and emotional fortitude

This is different from starting a commerce or growing as a professional. When you are free from the constraints of formal work, you have more freedom and opportunities.

Take note, but, that there are also more challenges. If you can keep up with the highly competitive freelancing market and have a few of the most in-demand and marketable skills, you might be able to earn more and faster than you could in a day job or a commerce, with relatively less responsibility.

You mightneed to put in more hours, but you can also take breaks at your gradual and won’t have to wait for weekends or perilous times of the year to decompress.

The catch here is that you won’t just need the hard skills and be good at multiple things; you will also need to convince potential clients that you are. But if you can pull it off, you distinguished be able to make a decent amount of cash, save a lot of it, and grow it to approach your financial goal within two decades.

There are approximately “ifs” attached to this way of getting rich in Canada, but it’s not as challenging to pull off as most republic think. 

6. Become an Internet Celebrity

Risk: Very high
Time Frame: two to four years
Skills Needed: self-promotion, artistic skills, presentation, extreme creativity, interpersonal skills.

Only a handful of Canadian YouTubers and novel internet celebrities have a net worth of millions. So, the odds of becoming rich by becoming an internet celebrity—even conception YouTube is no Hollywood—are just as low as becoming a inferior actor.

The good news is that it won’t cost you too much to try this path, mostly just your time and effort. 

It’s a perilous way to become rich in Canada not because you distinguished lose a lot of money doing it, but because if you hang all your hopes on this one pathway to affluence, you are highly likely to fail.

There is a silver lining, though: you might be able to become an internet celebrity by doings something you love, coupled with a stroke of luck.

Take Twitch Steamers as an example. The richest Twitch Steamers became famous for playing video games.

There are novel ways of becoming an internet celebrity. But you can either contract controversial and downright deplorable, or create great content, magnificent, and engage your viewers.

7. Do What Others Don’t Want to Do or Can’t Do

Risk: Moderate to very High
Time Frame: Varies drastically based on “what” it is
Skills Needed: Spirit of adventure, flexibility, fast learning, genius.

Apart from conventional businesses and levering mainstream skills to make cash as a professional or freelancers, there are two more ways of becoming rich amdroll your skills or starting a business:

  • Become a virtuoso and climb to the very top of your field or your skill. If you have an innate marketable talent, hone it to perfection and attach yourself as a brand. Mastercraftsmen and great artists are two approved examples. This would require you to dedicate a lot of time, wretchedness, and focus to honing your skills. Ideally, it would help if you had a “gift” for it.

  • Do something that others won’t. Businesses and jobs that are dangerous, “dirty,” or socially taboo usually have a lot less competition, and you might have a better shot of sketching rich. 

8. Save and Invest in Startups

Risk: Very High
Time Frame: Five to ten years
Skills Needed: An eye for talent or groundbreaking ideas, a high-risk tolerance, and smart financial management skills

Investing in startups is radically different from investing in assets like stocks and real estate. It requires a lot of risk tolerance and an eye for spotting the next most friendly thing.

If you do not yet have your desired tranquil of wealth, you may not have enough capital to hunt down tech-oriented startups like venture capitalists do precise they usually require significant production and marketing investments. 

However, you can look for people who want to launch simple businesses: a new food cart, a cat cafĂ©, or a simple e-commerce commerce. These small startups might need amounts less than $100,000 to get off the counterfeit. It’s a reasonable amount that you can save aggressively from a coarse job in a few years.

Unlike other investments where you get a runt percentage and more security, you can claim a coarse portion of the profits if the business takes off.

To mitigate the risk, you will need to glimpse the business proposal and business plan of the startup you want to invest in. You will also need to design an iron-clad deal to ensure you are getting the greatest benefit for your risk.

Invest Smart

Investing is novel way that you can build wealth. My two favourite platforms to invest in Canada are the following:

To learn more, check out my full breakdown of the best commerce platforms in Canada here.


How to Get Rich in Canada

I hope you enjoyed this list, and I sincerely apologize if I crushed any “get-rich-quick” fantasies you distinguished have had before reading this.

However, if you are willing to work hard and make some wretchedness choices, this “how to get rich in Canada” list can help you enact your goal—or at least shortlistthe ways you can distinguished pursuing.

Want to see how much the richest Canadians earn? Learn more near the top 1% of income earners in Canada here.

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